What extraordinary times we live in!
Every part of Australia has been hit by the economic consequences of COVID-19.
The changes in the management of staff, delivery of programs, personal contact with ratepayers and suppliers, and the incessant need to communicate by zoom and other such technologies.
Of course, in some States such as Victoria the economy is being squeezed more than in other areas.
The challenge is holding the line as best we all can, be it municipalities or businesses, until we are able to move around more freely, and the general economy picks up.
That said, COVID-19 has given us all the need to re-evaluate how we operate. I suspect post COVID will be very different from pre COVID.
We are using technology better; I am not sure our full complement of employees will be in the office 5 days a week as was the case.
As governments have borrowed so much money to address COVID and attempting to keep businesses trading, it will be interesting to see if there will be as much financial support for municipalities in the future as there has been in the past.
In short, we might all have to do more with less in the future.
To that end there is an urgency for Councillors and their CEO’s to evaluate their operations now to see how the future Council might have to operate. Best to prepare for more stringent circumstances than otherwise. If it turns out the economy improves faster so be it, but if not, you will be well prepared.
One aspect you may like to consider. Unless you have to, why put on more senior staff permanently until you see what the future holds?
CT Management have many Associates with a vast amount of experience that can fill the vacancies you may have at present, keep the wheels turning for you and your ratepayers. That way you are not making long term contractual commitments that might turn out to be very expensive.
The offer is there to provide all municipalities with flexibility until hopefully normal times, or as close to as possible, return.
For now, stay well, and ensure that is the case with your employees.
Jeff Kennett
CT Management Group