CT MANAGEMENT GROUP and UNIQCO Service offering to improve management of Fleet and Plant

CT Management Group, in collaboration with Uniqco, are ready to assist Councils needing support with their fleet and plant management.  Our service review process will enable an accurate review and benchmarking, options for asset funding, reduction in emissions and transition to electric vehicles.

Using proprietary data analytics and their significant database of knowledge on plant and vehicles, our Associates will review your Council’s fleet activity to ensure: 

  • it continues to meet the council’s service delivery requirements,
  • fleet assets are delivered efficiently; and 
  • council’s fleet emission reduction target is achieved. 

Key elements of the services on offer are as follows.

Service Delivery – fleet meeting service delivery requirements 

Review size and mix to ensure fit-for-purpose fleet continues to meet operational requirements: 

  • fleet matched to service requirements  
  • operational training, workplace incidents and failure records  
  • design, fit out and specification of fleet 

Operational Efficiency – delivering fleet efficiently

Review usage and cost of fleet and develop an improvement program to achieve operational efficiency of fleet assets: 

  • policies, operating procedures and training  
  • data/systems, performance reporting and executive oversight  
  • Business Case development to determine the idea mix – hire, lease or buy 
  • utilisation and optimisation of turnover  
  • maintenance regime and workshop operations 
  • funding, budgeting, calculation and implementation of plant hire rates  

Environmental Measures – emission reduction

Review steps to reduce the environmental impact and develop a transition plan to zero-emissions fleet: 

  • identify trends in fleet emission levels  
  • confirm/develop emission reduction targets  
  • regularly report against emission reduction targets  
  • develop a transition plan to a zero-emission fleet 
  • capture all elements – small plant, light fleet and plant 

Through developing a comprehensive understanding of your plant and fleet requirements, we can then assist you in developing a strategy to transition your Council to electric vehicles and to reduce Co2 emissions to new targets. 

From chain saws to graders, we can track savings and redesign your maintenance and servicing requirements. 

We can also offer support to Council in the form of a managed service, supported by our unique system based on Uniqco’s fleet data aggregation tool.  Uniqco’s data aggregation tool and business analytics approach to fleet management is about using data from complementary sources to reduce double keying of data and to provide meaningful insights to clients on how to optimise fleet performance. 

For further information or a proposal, please call 1300 500 932 or submit the form below.

Get in touch with us today