Jarrod Bryant
Regional Manager NSW
Over the last few months CT Management Group have completed several major projects for NSW clients.
The following is a snapshot of these projects:
- Asset Management Services project consisting of the following elements:
- Asset Management Capacity Program and Maturity Assessment
- Asset Management Policy
- Asset Management Strategy (5 year)
- Asset Information System Review (and high-level improvement/implementation plan)
- Asset Management Plans:
- Transport
- Stormwater
- Land and Facilities
- Open Space,
- Water
- Wastewater
- Plant and Fleet
6. Sportsgrounds, Halls and Childcare Centres asset condition assessment and development of 10-year maintenance & renewal schedules with accompanying cost estimates.
7. Sportsground surfaces report.
- Roads Service Review.
- Roads Asset Management Plan.
- Roads Strategy.
- Open Space & Recreation Business Unit Service Review.
- Buildings asset condition assessment and development of 10-year maintenance & renewal schedules with accompanying cost estimates.
This list demonstrates the breadth of projects that CT Management Group is capable of delivering for our clients, along with the diversity of our Associate skill base.
The strength of our experienced Associates as former Local Government Managers, Directors, GM’s/CEO’s and Managers ensures that we are able to tailor solutions to the needs of our clients and be agile in our response.
For more information on how CT Management Group can support your Council, please contact Jarrod Bryant – Regional Manager NSW on 1300 500 932 or submit the form below.