IPWC 24 Round-up

We have been assisting Australian Councils to undertake deliberative community engagement and development of their Service and Asset Plans over the past few years with some great outcomes and recently presented to the IPWC 24 on the topic. The presentation includes some examples of Victorian Councils engaging with their communities via surveys/ community panels to define current and future priorities and asset investment decision making principles for both renewal and maintenance of existing assets and investment in new and upgraded assets. 

The approach covers the initial steps in community engagement whereby an organisation may not have fully defined and costed levels of service across all services areas and assets as yet however would like to seek priority areas and investment principles from the community to inform development of their service and asset planning going forward. 

Please view or download David Braby’s IPWC 24 presentation below and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

For more information, please contact David Braby – Principal – Asset Management on 1300 500 932 or submit the form below.

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