Now that the Federal Election has been conducted, and a Government elected with a comfortable majority, I trust those of the community in leadership positions can now get on with their tasks without the disruption that often surrounds elections or outcomes from an election when there is no clear majority for the elected government.
To that end I am pleased that we have secured the Hon Alan Tudge who is the Federal Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure to come and address CT Management Group’s Associates day on Friday 8th November in Geelong.
One of the pleasing aspect of the Federal Election outcome was that the Prime Minister retained many of his senior Ministers in the portfolios they held before the election.
Alan Tudge was one of those, so he not only has a good understanding of issues facing Municipal Councils in terms of future Infrastructure needs, but he is now in a position to continue to drive his reforms.
As I said in a previous article, I am worried that many regional and rural councils are getting the rough end of the Infrastructure stick because of the scale of projects being constructed along the east coast of the country.
Many Councils have trouble getting firms to quote on their projects, where quotes are given the pricing is often exorbitantly priced. Then of course there is the challenge of actually attracting the qualified labour to carry out the works.
To that end I think the address by Alan Tudge and answers to questions those attending might ask will be valuable to planning and thought processes.
Invitations we be sent out shortly inviting CEO’s to again join us for this event.
Of course we are all judged on our own performance, be that as an individual or as a Council.
Regardless of what State or Federal Governments may do to assist or hinder municipalities, the quality of our own governance is paramount.
Issues such as good and responsible financial management, the welfare of employees, ensuring proper records are maintained, are all within the remit of the leadership of municipalities.
The challenge over the next three years will be guide councils and their ratepayers through what will be challenging times. Planning for the future while dealing with the issues that arise on a day to day basis.
At CT Management Group, we have the skills and people to assist Councils when management is short of qualified human resources, or to provide the results using years of skills to provide essential information on which administrators can make informed decisions.
In a former life of mine, leading Beyond Blue the mental health initiative, I knew the first step to recovery for those suffering stress, anxiety or worse was to admit they had an issue and reach our for help.
The same applies to Councils or any business, if you have, or anticipate a need, reach out for support early to stop a small issue today becoming a bigger and potentially worse one tomorrow.
For now stay well.
Jeff Kennett