Project management and delivery of capital works programs is a key specialisation of CT Management Group
In the lead up to the local government election caretaker period, CT Management Group Associates can assist Council with project management and delivery of capital works programs:
- Deliver capital and strategic projects
- Prepare scope and tenders for projects
- Program the 2020-2021 financial year
- Manage projects remotely
- Assist with development of 10 year capital works programs – a requirement under LGA 2020.
Our Associates are set up for remote access. We understand local government and therefore can fit in and respond quickly.
The pandemic has challenged councils ability to successfully deliver projects this financial year. 2020 is also a year that will see local government elections, with the caretaker period limiting the time available to approve critical capital works contracts.
Some councils also have the added burden of delivering bushfire and flood recovery programs.
All of this is leading up to the “perfect storm” where the capacity for councils to deliver on their 2019/20 capital programs will be at risk.
Research undertaken by CT Management Group has already identified that there is already a capacity shortfall in the Victorian local government sector. On average across the sector 84% of projects were delivered in the last decade – this left $4.2bn not delivered between 2010 and 2019.
Improvement in capacity is not likely to occur in the near future, given the pandemic conditions Councils are now operating in.
The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services has announced that construction is an essential service and can continue whilst workers observe social distancing protocols.
CT Management works under a project management framework with the necessary checks and balances to ensure good project assurance and quality outcomes. We can continue to deliver your capital projects, and assist Council transition to remote operating procedures.
For more information on how CT Management Group can assist your council in Project Management and Capital Works Delivery please contact us on 1300 500 932 or via the form below.