Service Planning

CT Management Group’s Service Planning Framework facilitates a review of the range of services Council provides.

We also seek to understand Council’s service priorities and how these relate to Councils strategic direction and priorities?

  • What is the sustainability of Councils service mix over the life of Council’s long term financial plan?
  • Is the mix sustainable?

Service Planning will ensure alignment between the Strategic objectives of the organisation and the service deliverables and costs.

Service Planning provides the transparency around comparative choices between continuation of the range of services or adjustments to the levels of service necessary for Council to remain financially viable and providing relevant and priority services to the community.

CT Management Group’s Service Planning Framework can assist Councils with support in setting a rating framework that is acceptable to the Council community. Understanding the key issues and decisions required to maintain or improve service sustainability is essential.

Service Plans provide a clear point of reference to manage and monitor progress towards the achievement of strategic outcomes as well as forming the basis of reporting to the community.

In summary The CT Management Service Planning process will develop a Service Plan that:

  • Determines what range of services meet community needs
  • Determine what level of services is presently provided?
  • Ensures value for money is achieved in the services you deliver
  • Ensures agreed services are affordable over a 10-year financial planning timeframe
  • Ensures service delivery is sustainable into the long term
  • Ensures your Service Plan aligns with your Service Strategy
  • Assists in engaging your community
  • Assists in realigning priorities

Our Service Cost Evaluation Model (SCEM) in the service planning process will not only identify the net cost of Council services but will provide information Council will need to consult with the community around comparative choices between services, levels of service and overall priorities.

CT Management Group can assist your Council in establishing a Service Planning Framework that will allow you to review the sustainability of continuing to deliver current service levels and identify priority areas for further review if current services or service levels are unsustainable.

CT Management Group has over 115 highly qualified Associates that can provide qualified assistance in achieving your Service Planning and Service Review objectives. Our financial management credentials can be demonstrated through the financial sustainability assessments we have undertaken for many Councils along with our Long Term Financial Planning Model currently in use in over 30 Councils nationally.

For more information on our extensive project and placement work to date with Councils throughout Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania please call Merv Hair on 1300 500 932 or contact us below:

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