Transitioning support to new Local Government Act 2020

CT Management Group has been consulting to local government for over 24 years with over 115 qualified experienced associates available to assist councils implement key provisions of the Local Government Act 2020.

With the passage of the Local Government Act 2020, it is timely that council’s start to think about the things that need to be done in preparation for the implementation of  the new requirements under the Act.

We have undertaken a comprehensive review of the provisions of new Act which contains 391 Clauses. Of these, we have identified 222 clauses that require specific action to be undertaken. At first glance this may appear to be a little overwhelming for a council to plan for implementation.

CT Management Group has had regard to the legislation which sets out the introduction of the provisions of the Act in three tranches and we have started to collate this information into a managed process which identifies dates when key actions need to commence to meet implementation deadlines.

CT Management Group has a team of Governance Specialists who are qualified and experienced to assist councils in the implementation of the new requirements of the Act.  

Good Governance is essential and CT Management Group offer a strong background in organisational support for the staged implementation of the new Act, including a review of existing charters, policies and procedures, review of codes, preparation of new plans including, Council Plans, Asset Management Plans, Financial, Revenue and Rating Plans and Workforce Plans.

Effective planning and reporting by councils is essential for ensuring transparency and accountability to the community and other levels of government as to how public money is being spent and the quality of services delivered.

CT Management Group can provide advance planning timetables and support staff in preparing for the transition from the Local Government Act 1989 to the new Act.

Governance services include:

  • compliance reporting
  • policy development (Financial, Procurement, Complaints)
  • codes of conduct (councillor and staff)
  • Workforce Planning
  • Audit & Risk Committee Charters
  • Plans (Council, financial, asset over 10 year timeframes)
  • Budget preparation
  • Delegations (from Council and the CEO)

Other services offered by CT Management Group include:

  • strategic planning and accountability
  • procurement frameworks, policy, procedures and systems
  • organisational development and HR
  • investigations and mediation
  • workforce and succession planning
  • risk management

A key element in assisting the implementation of new legislation will be experienced support that can develop policy and compliance processes that are clear and comply with best practice principles. CT Management Group Associates are experienced in reviewing or establishing council governance tools and structures.

For further information or a proposal in regard to the governance  services and resources offered by CT Management Group please contact Merv Hair via the form below or call 1300 500 932.

Malcolm McKenzie
Regional Manager Vic/Tas

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