Alf Della Monica
Regional Manager – VIC/TAS
CT Management Group invites you to join the Asset Management Capacity Building Program (AMCap)
With councils planning on updating Asset Renewal Modelling and Asset Management Plans in readiness for the review of the Asset Plan (due for endorsement in October 2025), now is a good time to join our AMCap Program to help you on your way.
CT Management Group continues to lead the development of asset management capability in local government, with the AMCap Program having been successfully delivered to Victorian councils for over 25 years, having formally developed and delivered the STEP program for the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV).
The program is built upon the integration of asset management, financial planning and service planning.
- How confident are you that your current asset management practices are financially sustainable?
- How do you compare with similar Councils?
- Are you compliant with your statutory responsibilities?
- How aligned is your infrastructure to the service demands? Are you aware of the service driven asset demand?
- Do you have an adequate strategy and plans to manage your assets, including the demand and risks across the lifecycle of the assets?
- Do you have defined levels of service that drive the strategic and technical management of assets?
- Does your asset management system and workforce deliver on the required asset management objectives?
- Are there regional asset management opportunities to work collaboratively with neighbouring Councils?
AMCap Program Objectives
- To establish the sector wide Asset Management competency in each State utilising the (National Asset Management Assessment) NAMAF Program.
- To provide the opportunity for Councils, at their choice, to achieve advanced competency under the NAMAF Program.
- To provide Financial, Asset Management and Service Planning benchmarking data based on Auditor General and Council financials, depreciation charges, review asset valuations and renewal rates per asset category. To establish through consultation with Councils the validity and underlying risks associated with the Council’s Asset Management Plans with detailed focus on:
- Projecting Council’s renewal demand
- Analysing the renewal gap and funding strategy
- Integration with the Long-Term Financial Plan
- Alignment of assets to Service Planning demand (including service levels)
- An action plan to for future improvements and innovative opportunities
- To provide a conduit relationship to an Asset Management expert post the AMCap Program contact time.
- To provide an overview of its Asset Management maturity through summary reporting.
AMCap Program and Benchmark Outputs
Council can choose whether they complete all or part of the components of the benchmarking exercises, this can be determined in discussion with the CT Associate provider:
- AMCap Council Summary report provides an Executive Summary, summary of improvement actions, benchmarking charts as part of the Assessment findings, see below for details of the benchmarking outputs.
- NAMAF (National Asset Management Assessment Framework) benchmarking consisting of comparative and historical (5 years) charts
- SPAF (Service Planning Assessment Framework) benchmarking consisting of comparative and historical (5 years) charts.
- The Asset Renewal Benchmarking across several asset classes, consisting of a comprehensive suite of comparative charts covering the following:
- Asset Useful Life
- Unit Renewal Rate – (Estimated Asset Replacement Cost/Asset Quantity)
- Renewal Expenditure / Estimated Replacement Cost (%)
- Average Annual Asset Consumption (AAAC)
- Financial Benchmarking:
- Financial ratios data is collected from the council’s published budget information for the current year of reporting and annual report data from the last financial year. This provides a high-level analysis of historic, current and future projections around capital investment and renewal indicators for the Council.
Cost to Participate in the program is $7,600 (ex GST) per Council.
Further to this you can add the following value add options:
- Improvement Implementation Plan
- Development of a four-year workplan
- Resource Strategy
- Data Health Check
- Asset lifecycle activities roles and responsibilities across the organisation documented
CT Management Group will invoice Council directly as an AMCap participant.
Our video conferencing approach will reduce costs and Council officers’ time commitment to complete the requirements of the program.
For more information click on the following link: AMCap – Asset Management Capability
Should you have any questions, or you wish to receive a formal proposal, please contact Alf Della Monica, Regional Manager Victoria, on 1300 500 932 or submit the form below.