2019 Financial Ratios Benchmarking Data Pack


The CT Management Group 2019 Council Financial Ratios Benchmarking Data Pack is now available for your council.

The data pack provides your council’s individual 10 year historical information in a summary data table including graphs along with comparative graphs and summary data tables for your council’s group.

You can also compare your council to other council groups or indeed every council in the state.

The data and graphs report on VAGO, Revenue, Expense, Debt, Capital, Financial Position and Financial Performance indicators.

CT Management Group’s 10 years of data captured from audited Annual Reports provides accurate and consistent information and statistics and can be used to:

  • Alert council to performance issues
  • Ensure compliance with VAGO indicators
  • Support predictive modelling
  • Support CEO performance reviews to demonstrate council’s financial performance succinctly
  • Provide details for council’s website and support communications
  • Compare data from like councils
  • Compare data to other council categories
  • Benchmark against all councils on all performance measures
  • Provide comparative graphs to like sized councils for the current year
  • Assist when councils are looking at service reviews and considering the impact of rate-capping as determined by the Essential Services Commission.

Council X – 10 year Historical Graph example

Council Group Comparative (Large Rural) Graph example

The 2019 Financial Ratios Benchmarking Data Pack for your council is now available at $1500 excl. GST (SAVE $300) * until the 14 February 2020.

The data is presented in an interactive excel spreadsheet where graphs can be generated from dropdown menu options. Graphs and tables can be copid and used in various council reports.

We can also provide a detailed review of your ratios including your budget and SRP and provide an independent assessment of your financial plan.

For your 2019 Financial Ratios Benchmarking Data Pack or if you have any questions, please contact Sonia Giofches on 1300 500 932 or via the form below.

*The 2019 Financial Ratios Benchmarking Data Pack will be available for $1800 excl. GST after the 14 February 2020.

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