We service in excess of 30 councils with financial ratio benchmarking information.
The CT Management Group Financial Ratios package is prepared using the most up to date financial year end accounts. The financial ratio analysis provides benchmarks of council’s financial performance across a wide range of financial ratios. The total package incorporates over 80 financial ratios across eight categories as listed below:
- Victoria Auditor General Office
- Revenue
- Expenditure
- Financial Performance
- Capital
- Debt
- Miscellaneous – capacity to pay
- Financial Performance Indicators (LGPRF)
The Financial Ratio package incorporates a traffic light dashboard indicator table, a history tab where the previous year’s results are detailed enabling visual examination of trends.
With respect to the over 80 comparative ratios charts, your council is compared to like councils’ category and highlighted in yellow which details where council benchmarks. We also detail your benchmark against the average of your council category.
The current Financial Ratios released annually in January will provide individual council historical data for 10 years for all benchmark ratios.
The Financial Ratios package also provides flexible benchmarking against all councils and council groups in Victoria.
Specific council groups are available on request.
CT Management Group specialises in providing independent financial advisory and leadership services to organisations.
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