CT Management Group and Centium provide a range of Governance Services and the following information will assist Councils access more information on these services.
FRAUD CONTROLS | Fraud and corruption cases have been common media headlines over the last couple of years, confirming that many organisations are still struggling to implement effective prevention strategies.
FACET is a purpose-built tool developed by @Centium (our strategic risk management partner) to help organisations identify risks and ensure their fraud controls are fit for purpose.
More information here: https://centium.com.au/news/are-your-fraud-and-corruption-controls-fit-for-purpose/
LOCAL COUNCILLOR LEARNINGS | After Local Council elections in December 2022, @Centium (our strategic risk management partner) spoke to 56 new and outgoing NSW Councillors to identify their greatest challenges, opportunities, and priorities.
The responses have been used to inform nine suggestions to improve induction and councillor impact, and include themes like education, communication, and engagement.
Explore the findings and recommendations here: https://centium.com.au/news/supporting-local-councillors-what-can-be-learnt-from-post-election-interviews/
WORKPLACE HEALTH & WELLBEING | As workplaces change, so does the definition of a ‘healthy’ workplace. An organisational health and wellbeing check can ensure your organisational policies meet both best practice standards and employee expectations – and that you’re placed to deliver positive staff and organisational outcomes.
Learn more about Organisational Health and Wellbeing checks: https://centium.com.au/news/how-to-ensure-your-mental-health-wellbeing-policies-are-supporting-your-employees/
ASSURANCE ADVICE | Mandatory internal auditing exists across much of the public sector. However, determining the effectiveness of audits and audit providers can be difficult.
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’, but there are ways to identify ineffective audit delivery and measure the value and performance of audit providers and services.
Learn more about what you should look for in an internal auditor: https://centium.com.au/news/what-should-you-look-for-in-an-internal-auditor/