One quarter of the year has already been expended!
Nothing stands still, and time seems to march on faster every year.
What is important is that decision making does not get delayed.
Decisions based on good information and data, made quickly can often avoid added pain caused by delay. Decisions should also look to the long term and not just solve short term problems.
With a Federal election now being contested, it will be interesting to see if any party or individual candidate gives local government the recognition it deserves.
Sustainability of Councils will be challenging in the years ahead. A Sustainable Council Program is a forerunner to the likely changes the Local Government Act as it supports many of the longer-term strategic planning initiatives required under the proposed new legislation. Legislators broadly speaking are requiring longer term planning against which State auditors will ultimately adjudicate.
The four cogs of CT Management Groups Sustainable Council Program, (Service Planning, Asset Management, Data and Knowledge and Financial Planning) can assist Councils to develop strategies aligned to capacity and capability to deliver in a financially sustainable framework.
This is particularly important for rural and regional councils that are battling the dual challenge of maintaining and providing future infrastructure needs at an affordable price, and if anyone will quote for such works in the face of massive infrastructure activity on the east coast of Australia.
It is so important all councils, in particular non-metropolitan councils, for the reasons above, do the work to meet the demands for future growth and capacity building.
Importantly such work should try and identify the needs of the municipality over the next 30 years, and then divide the deliverables into blocks of 5-year time frames.
The outcome of such a vision should be well communicated and shared with the community, so they are aware of the priorities of the council.
Apart from capacity building services, CT Management also have an enviable record in assisting Councils with the increasing challenges of Waste Management, Asset Management and Disaster Recovery.
Waste Management and recycling in particular, is a challenge for all levels of government. Considering China’s ban on importing recyclable materials over twelve months ago, stockpiling in the short term has not provided a resolution to the long-term search for an alternative solution. The lack of incentive to create a local industry has led to a reliance on exporting our recyclable materials to other countries. Governments must now look to how waste levies collected in most states can be used to provide innovative local recycling solutions.
CT Management has 23 years of local government experience. Our senior management and Associates are all men and women with years of local government experience. They understand the need to balance good governance and economic demands with the needs of the community, while providing for the future.
CT Management also provides mediation investigation services at a time when the needs for such services are increasing exponentially.
So, when you need advice or assistance, reach out early to the organisation that best knows the challenges of Local Government and has built up an enviable library of records upon which to impart advice for the future.
CT Management Group continues to listen to its clients need for innovative solutions to changing circumstances and is always looking to new markets with its products and services and as a result we have recently expanded our services into New Zealand.
Stay well and plan for the future.
The Hon Jeff Kennett AC
CT Management Group