Jarrod prides himself on being focused and disciplined in work and his role as Regional Manager NSW. Being focused improves our ability to provide the best value possible for our clients through delivering outstanding customer service and collaborating with them to ensure their needs are met. The discipline element comes in when ensuring that CT Management Group deliver on our commitments and achieve the end result as promised.
Communicating with clients and ensuring that we understand their needs is paramount to Jarrod’s role, as being responsive to customer needs means that they achieve long-lasting and meaningful results that furthers their ability to service the communities they support. Jarrod places high importance on his responsibility to foster relationships and assist clients to obtain great outcomes through the support services that CT Management Group has on offer to further their success.
Working with people to find solutions to issues and developing options that work is what Jarrod enjoys most. This could be in the context of project management, strategic planning, operations management or other spheres. Ultimately, he finds seeing an initiative being delivered to full completion knowing that a great outcome has been achieved very satisfying.
Jarrod has had the privilege of working for many great organisations, with wonderful people and on numerous interesting projects. Some highlights include working on the delivery of the 2003 Rugby World Cup with Australian Rugby Union, delivering a major sports precinct strategic planning project and then transitioning into construction project management for the project. Additional highlights include, managing Parks and Recreation activities across large and diverse council’s in Central Queensland and working through the logistical challenges that those locations are faced with.
Growing CT Management Group’s presence in NSW while developing as a consultant is one of the goals Jarrod is working toward at the moment. He also aims to accompany this by completing his Masters of Business Administration which will further enhance his effectiveness in the role of Regional Manager.
Jarrod likes to be involved in contributing to community initiatives and charitable activities and has recently joined the Lions Club. He also has an extensive background of volunteering in Rugby Union (over 10 years) in committee and coaching roles, recently resuming a coaching position.
Unlike most, Jarrod doesn’t believe in work/life balance. He thinks that in order to achieve great outcomes there needs to periods of intense effort on particular initiatives to achieve the required outcomes. The constant element in his life however, is not compromising on health and looking after himself through exercise and a good diet. The result ensures that he has the stamina and energy to focus on doing what’s needed to the best of his ability.