No day is the same for Sonia in her role as Product Manager at CT Management Group.
Sonia prides herself on her attention to detail when managing her work at CT Management Group. This includes maintaining a satisfied client base for all financial products, keeping up to date with current legislation and overseeing the products upgrade program. In line with product development, Sonia is also responsible for the implementation, training and annual rollout of all financial products.
Sonia re-joins CT Management Group after completing appointments to finance roles with Colac Otway and Golden Plains Shires over the past two years. This position will see Sonia facilitate business development in the financial products area.
Having the ability to spend quality time with her family through flexible working arrangements is something Sonia really appreciates.
Sonia is a dedicated hard worker and likes to be across everything she is involved in. Sonia’s friendly personality enables her to relate to clients in a partnership style that achieves valuable outcomes for CT Management Group and the Client.