The Chairman Hon. Jeff Kennett AC and Managing Director Michael Courtney are pleased to announce the introduction of 3 key Principals to the CT Management Group.
Mr. Kennett welcomed the Principals as key shareholders and senior members of the CT team.
“The Principal appointments represent partial implementation of our succession plan objectives and the need to strengthen our technical knowledge and capability across our key service areas.”
He further added “Our Principals will lead project management, product development and development of our Associate teams in their core competency areas.”
“Principals will assist with business development, provide technical leadership, assist with our product development and act as project managers on our projects”.
“The depth of experience and knowledge will see both CT Management and the client’s benefit” Michael added.
We look forward to our clients engaging with our Principals over the years to come.

Simon Walsh
Principal – Financial & Service Planning
Simon is a Fellow of CPA (Australia) with over 20 years of professional accounting experience within the public and private sector which includes extensive experience in Local Government. Simon has a track record of innovation and systems knowledge in supporting clients in tackling difficult sustainability challenges across diverse stakeholder settings. Operating at an Executive level for Finance and Operations across the past decade he has a strong understanding of the challenges faced by both leadership and front-line management in delivering efficiency improvement requirements and funding solutions to achieve both short and long-term financial sustainability. Qualifications Bachelor of Commerce Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA) |

David Braby
Principal – Asset Management
David is an experienced infrastructure asset management professional having worked in both public and private agencies delivering strategic, tactical and operational asset management services over the past 20 years. Prior to joining CT Management Group, David worked in executive management roles in Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales implementing whole of organisation asset management policies, strategies, asset management plans, supporting operational processes and the implementation of asset information management systems. Qualifications Certified Asset Management Assessor ISO55001 (CAMA) Certified Asset Management Practitioner (CPAM) Graduate Certificate Infrastructure Engineering and Management (Monash) Bachelor in Engineering Technology (Infrastructure Management) (USQ) |

Paula Gardiner
Principal Project & Contract Management
Paula is a qualified Civil Engineer with over 18 years’ experience in the Local Government sector. She has extensive experience in capital works, project management and has been a board member of the Infrastructure Design Manual Association. Paula has a strong track record of providing specialist engineering advice. She also demonstrates high expertise in areas such as program and resource scheduling, forward planning, cost estimates and engineering design. Paula prides herself on her ability to provide exceptional risk management, alongside her notable financial management and professional development skills. Qualifications PRINCE2 Foundation- Adaptive Frameworks Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) – Royal Melbourne Institute Technology University Melbourne |