Alfonso Della Monica
Regional Manager Vic/Tas
Asset Management (VIC)
Over the last 12-18 months CT Management Group has worked closely with many Victorian councils on their Asset Plans which was mandated through the implementation of the new Local Government Act 2020 (LGA 2020).
We have also been busy working on many Asset Management Plans, Asset Renewal Modelling and Asset Information System reviews with Victorian councils as an extension of the work accomplished on Asset Plans.
We have also developed Service Plans for Councils assisting them define, prioritise and understand the sustainability of their services.
CT Management Group has many Asset Management Associates who have a great understanding of the requirements of the LGA 2020 and related standards. Their experience stems from many years working in the local government sector, and not only do they leave councils with great outcomes, but also share their knowledge with the council officers they collaborate with, leaving those we work alongside with a great legacy.
We understand that the local government sector has suffered since COVID with resourcing issues and increased requirements imposed on them. Let our experts help you in achieving your asset management goals!
For more information, visit our website Asset Management or contact Alf Della Monica Regional Manager (VIC/TAS) on 1300 900 532 or submit the form below.
Alfonso Della Monica
Regional Manager VIC/TAS