Roads to Recovery Funding – 2019/20

With the most recent allocation of Roads to Recovery Funding, we wish to outline the assistance below that CT Management Group can offer in rolling out your Roads to Recovery Program for 2019/20.

The Australian Government has committed an additional $100 million per year to the Roads to Recovery Program from 2019/20. From the 2013/14 financial year to the 2022/23 financial year, the Government will provide $5.6 billion under the Roads to Recovery Program, with an on-going commitment of $500 million each year following. The funding is being distributed to Australia’s local councils, state and territory governments responsible for local roads in the unincorporated areas (where there are no councils), Norfolk Island and the Indian Ocean Territories.

The Roads to Recovery Program will provide $2 billion to local government bodies across Australia from 2019/20 to 2023/24. The Federal Government said the Roads to Recovery Program involved close collaboration between it and local governments to deliver road infrastructure improvements supported economic growth.

Resourcing your program to complete these works, may create logistical challenges. CT Management Group has a number of project management associates who are ideally suited to assisting your council with both programming and project delivery.

CT Management Group has extensive project management and civil engineering expertise. Our expertise assisted councils post the 2009 Victorian bushfires and 2011/12 floods. Our efforts included the delivery of over $50 million worth of flood recovery works for Moira Shire Council over a two year period. Recently assistance has been provided to Southern Grampians Shire (Victoria) with the delivery of a $35 million flood recovery program. These projects are testament to our ability to deliver on major programs.

We understand that you will now be well into your project planning and expenditure for 2019/20 and invite you to discuss your options for assistance with us to achieve completion of your Roads to Recovery Program, this year and beyond.

For more information, please call our office on 1300 500 932, email or complete the form below.

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