Simon Walsh
Principal – Financial & Service Planning
Service Management Framework: A Comprehensive Approach to Council’s Service Performance
At CT Management Group we specialise in delivering and supporting Service Planning and Service Reviews, components of our comprehensive Service Management Framework which delivers on proposed changes.
We offer Councils a formalised and systematic approach to reviewing their services to:
- Ensure a deep understanding of the level of service, future service demand and relative priority of each service.
- Understand the net cost of each service.
- Review the financial sustainability of service provision over 10 years.
- Provide vital information to assess customer satisfaction and engagement with the community.
- Adopt a continuous improvement approach to service delivery through the provision of thorough individual service reviews.
CT Management Group has developed a Service Management Framework including policy, strategy, process, and methodology to undertake Service Planning and Service Reviews.
Supporting associated Service Management cultural change is a CT Management Group strength, as we can draw upon decades of experience working with Councils in Strategic Planning adoption.
Councils seek CT Management Group’s support to reduce the inherent risks of inaugural effort failure and manage expectations of the varying stakeholders as approach matures over time.
Our Service Planning Service is equipped with the tools to enable effective Service Planning and Service Review implementation.
This has come with the experience of evolving with the sector, working directly on Service Planning and Service Reviews with over 40 Councils nationwide.
Our unique approach delivers:
- A Council service catalogue and Service Profile per service.
- An evidence-based service assessment enabling prioritisation of services for service review based on relative importance and strategic alignment to Council’s Community Strategic Plan.
- Service level 10-year financial projections based on future service demand.
- Capability to assess the overall financial sustainability of the current range of services at their current level over a 10-year timeframe.
Long term financial forecasts, incorporating future service demand, integrate with CT Management’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) enabling a strategic financial assessment of Council’s ability to fund services in the long run.
We can also incorporate a review of capital investment into our financial analysis to gain a holistic insight into Council’s long term financial sustainability.
Our prioritised Service Review methodology can then be delivered utilising a host of Service review methods as suits the situation including:
- ACELG Service Review approach;
- our own 30-step detailed analytical approach to Service Review, identifying broad savings and efficiency opportunities; and
- Interventional Service Reviews, targeting decision making facilitation and direct action (including community engagement facilitation if relevant and/or required)
For further information please contact Simon Walsh, Principal – Financial & Service Planning on 1300 500 932 or submit the form below.