Purchase and support
The principles of the Capital Works Evaluator (CWE) is that it subjects all proposed capital works to an objective business case analysis via the Project Input worksheet template so that the:
- Costs of the priority projects can be scored.
- The cost implications assessed via the integration capabilities of the CWE with the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP).
Designed to evaluate competing eligible capital works projects, the CWE is logical, easy to use and facilitates the management and prioritisation of council’s capital works program.
The CWE subjects all eligible capital works projects to an objective business case analysis based on the information input for each project including:
- Budgeted project expenditure and funding sources over multiple financial years (with the ability to apply indexation to calculate future year nominal project costs).
- A priority scoring system with four criteria (financial, Council Plan objectives, risk and criticality and community benefit) that can be weighted according to council preference. Projects receive a prioritisation score between one and five. Projects are selected based on priority score or manual override.
The CWE caters for a 10 to 40 year capital works program and fully integrates with our Long Term Financial Plan which assess the financial sustainability of a proposed 10 to 20 year capital works program.
Whole of life costs are calculated against user defined operating and maintenance ratios across multiple users. Preferred indexation rates can be applied to these ongoing operational costs.
The CWE has a full suite of reports and charts including:
- Capital expenditure.
- Priority by year.
- Asset class by year.
- Asset type by year.
- Capital funding sources by year for LTFP and SRP allocation.
- Operational cost increases by asset class by year.
- LTFP output summarising information that integrates to the LTFP.
To discuss the CWE in further detail, please contact Sonia Giofches on 1300 500 932 or complete the form below.