Interactive data management for effective Asset Management.
Good data in a user-friendly format is an integral part of competent asset and services management for local government.
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is the ideal system for visualising, storing, accessing and managing visual data.
CT Management Group has developed an Audit and Data Consolidation Program which ensures your GIS data is accurate and up to date. It also ensures consistency of data across your systems.
Our audit process compares data in your asset management and geographic information systems to identify inconsistencies.
We then work with the organisation to address these inconsistencies by developing an action plan that identifies and prioritises tasks as well as calculating the time needed to correct the inconsistencies.
Our program provides a link between your asset database and spatial system to ensure the data remains consistent between the systems.
In addition, we can provide complete GIS management services through our bureau service CT Connect, providing round-the-clock links for council staff via our secure cloud-based platform.
This includes full in-field surveys for complete data collection as well as supportive mentoring and staff training.
Our GIS Audit and Data Consolidation Program ensures your data is accurate, up to date and consistent across your systems. Contact us to discuss how we can tailor a solution for your Council on 1300 500 932.
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