Offering tailored solutions for development and implementation of community engagement processes and projects
Well-developed processes for Community Engagement will ensure that the Community is as well-informed as they can be on major issues, plans and projects.
Where the Community can influence part or all of a decision, it is vital that they are provided the necessary information to form an opinion and opportunity to provide input through a community engagement process.
Developing a Community Engagement process and strategy, requires Council to have a Consultation and Communication Strategy which can be used as a base model for the development of the process and strategy based on the following:
- Vision and values for consultation and communication
- Principles for consultation and communication
- Definition of consultation and democratic governance
- Issues for consultation
- Methods of consultation
- Community consultation matrix
- Scoping a project for community consultation
Community Engagement plays a vital role in assisting Council as an organisation to work together with the Community and other stakeholders to achieve the vision.
Conducting a community consultation program is only effective if the customer base is clearly defined and includes all relevant interested parties.
Contact CT Management Group on 1300 500 392 to discuss how we can assist your organisation.
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